I had to shorten a play. The actors I was directing quite naturally wanted to know what criteria I was using for making cuts to their lines!!! "Just cutting out the flab!" was the easy answer.
Flabby writing, of course, should be avoided. When, as writer or director, I have to cut a script I ask this question: Does each line meet at least one of the following tests?
- Contains information that advances and is essential to main story line.
- Intensifies situation.
- Make it special. Make it interesting. Make it extreme.
- Reveals character.
- Show me the human condition.
- Completes the trajectory of an emotional curve or allows the time
necessary for an emotional transition.
- Show me their emotions so I believe in them.
- Promotes the major philosophical or ethical argument of the play.
- Establishes setting or atmosphere.
- Transport me to other worlds.
- Has special poetic, rhythmic or dynamic function.
- Has distinct and appropriate gag or entertainment value.
- Is necessary to cover technical problems such as long exits, costume changes, scene shifts etc.
Jonathan Paul Cook © 2010